Since 1946 the VHCP, the Dutch association of chemical distributors, acts as the representative organization of the traders and distributors in chemical products in the Netherlands. The VHCP promotes the interests of its member companies. The association seeks to achieve its objective by:
• Expertise: Monitoring and advice on legislation and government measures.
This is covered in the VHCP committees that are organized around the topics Environment and Safety, Responsible Care, REACh and food additives. These committees meet once every three months and are open to all members. Many members participate. In addition to sharing knowledge and experiences (for example in the area of enforcement), these consultations lead to completion of expertise. Thus VHCP delivers good practices, annual Responsible Care barometers, Responsible Care Reports, a VHCP roadmap towards the REACH registration deadline of 2018 and a VHCP Hygiene code of conduct. This and many more know-how (including the minutes of the meetings of the all VHCP committees), are available for the members in the private members-area of this website. Additionally, the VHCP organizes other substantive meetings for its members such as the Substances and Work safety-day, the Safety Day and several focus group meetings on Responsible Care. Finally the VHCP arranges for discounted entrance to commercial advanced courses for its members.
• Networking: The promotion of cooperation between members and relations with other stakeholders
The VHCP believes that social bonding with each other and with stakeholders is crucial for sustainable cooperation and long-term solutions. The VHCP therefore organises several social venues throughout the year, like the organization of an annual New Year's reception, a so-called “Social Event” with gala diner, a grand Lunch Meeting and the yearly General Assembly with diner. The VHCP always invites relevant and prominent speakers to these events, often industry leaders or decision makers from the competent authorities or the government.
• Advocacy: Representation of interests and adjusting developments in legislation and government action.
The VHCP is the voice of the Dutch chemical distribution. The VHCP achieves this by proactively interacting with the relevant policy makers and stakeholders. VHCP participates in a multitude of dialogues, initiatives and action plans, both nationally and internationally. So it is that VHCP is one of the engineers of the action plan Safety First (see Within this action plan it is responsible for everything that has to do with the responsibility throughout the supply chain. It has put Responsible Care forward as an indicator for trustworthiness in the chemical supply chain. The VHCP is also represented in the different teams that deal with self-regulation, such as PGS.
The VHCP does not only deliver or provides, it also expects something of its members. All VHCP members must conform to the principles of the Responsible Care program of the VHCP by signing the Responsible Care policy statement. Compliance with these principles is crucial for the VHCP. It is a major differentiator for our members. The stated intentions are therefore not voluntary. Members are expected to score on these various Responsible Care principles. The VHCP members receive support to meet all Responsible Care requirements within two years. It is requested that members have their scores verified by a third party every three years. Third Party Verification can also be done by providing proof of participation in a comparable, third party audited program that focuses on continuous improvement of performance in the areas of safety, health and environment (like ESAD). Finally, each company must also sign the Memorandum of Intentions on Environmental protection (only in Dutch).
• Communication
To get an additional impression of what we do for our members, please be referred to our yearly magazine the Focus (see here). Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further explanation!